A free meta & rich snippet testing tool!
Easily see how rich snippets and meta data are indexed in Google for any site. This tool checks for rich snippets, and compares Google’s indexed title and meta descriptions against the meta data in the site’s code. The Detailed URL Report tab takes rich snippets testing one step further by showing what snippets are indexed and showing live for which pages, and what titles and descriptions Google is showing for each indexed page.
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It’s easy! Just enter your keyword in the “Starting Keyword” box and press enter! Let’s use screenshots to show off some of the deeper functionality:
The SEO rich snippets tester that’s open and free
Every feature in this structured data testing tool – from crawling Google snippets to the meta tag tester – is 100% built out of ordinary Google Sheets formulas! Want to know how something works? Click in the cell and look at the formula! Want to change something? Go right ahead! It’s totally open!
Help make this the best Google snippets tool possible
Did you make a change that totally changed the game? Find something I missed? Let me know, and together we can make this thing awesome for everyone!
Tutorial Video
Know Issues
1. This tool needs to be updated to function correctly on all systems.
Great tool, I’m really like it, Thanks.
[…] what information Google changes in their search results. Use RankTank’s meta and rich snippet testing tool. Enter your website address in the spreadsheet. The tool will compare what you have in the HTML […]
Great tool, Thanks for your Help @sean malseed
doesn’t work for me: says no urls have been processed 🙁
I get the same problem… 🙁
I tried this tool…, very useful guys.. 🙂 🙂
Many times it just doesn’t refresh, not giving any data….
Secondly, often no declared meta/title, although we have declared meta data. Why is it not showing?
Great tool!
I’m having the same problem as Josh. I’ve tried multiple domains and even the one in the tutorial video. I’ve made multiple copies of the spreadsheet. It only says “No URLs have been processed” and in the other tab, it has an error saying “Could not fetch url: https://www.google.com/search?num=100&q=site:food.com%20recipe&start=0”
Anyone else having this problem?
Thanks for the Info. will certainly help newbies like me.
Looks like a great tool and trying to use it but it says NO URLS HAVE BEEN PROCESSED in red.
Has something changed?
Doesn’t work for me: tested with an URL and keyword, where rating rich snippet appears in SERP definitely. But the tool said: no rich snippet.
Very Useful
Amazing tool, it helped me very much in my works. Tks
Great tool. thank for share
Nice tools!
[…] what information Google changes in their search results. Use RankTank’s meta and rich snippet testing tool. Enter your website address in the spreadsheet. The tool will compare what you have in the HTML […]
Hi Sean,
Great tool.
I’m getting an error ONLY for one particular domain
I can manually visit the URL in the error message and successfully test other sites. The domain is the only value inside the domain cell
Hmm, could you share your Google doc with me? [email protected]
Fixed it Sean. Turns out you need to enter the correct www or non-www version of the live site.
Hey Sean. The default version (straight from a copy) recently loaded on my first attempt. When working with another site, nothing has loaded (“No urls have been processed…”)
Thinking I screwed the domain entry again, I just made another copy of the doc, but this time the default example wouldn’t even load and produced the same issue. I don’t know spreadsheet scraping enough to know if IPs or user-agents have an effect, but I tried altering these through a VPN and switching the user-agent to no affect. Any ideas how to get this working or what could be the cause?
Tested the default document a few days later and no difference. Could it be that Google has some block on this scraping?
can you outline more about what columns H to K tell us in the URL Description tab?
Sure! Column H shows if the live meta description matches the page’s declared meta description, column I does the same for titles, column J shows if the title is cut short on the SERP, and column K does the same for meta description.
I’m not able to make a copy of this document in Google Docs. I was able to do it with the RankTank Simple Site edit tool but not this one. Not sure if the settings are set right on your end or if I’m doing something wrong.
Your Google account might be blocking it. Could you try from a different Gmail address?
I tried it in another gmail account and it worked. I then tried it in the original one and it worked there too. So I’m not sure what was happening the first time. It didn’t show the Google Sheets menu bar or editing tools. Anyway, got it now. Thanks!
Hah weird, glad it worked!
Hello Sean:
Great looking tool. It won’t allow me to make a copy. Is that done on purpose or am I missing something?
Thanks for your help!
It might be your Google account – sometimes work Google accounts do that. Could you try from a different gmail account?